jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013


Today, we want to introduce you a very special tradition in our country called «La Castanyada» (the Chestnut celebration). It is a very typical festival celebrated since ancient times during autumn. Furhtermore, our children enjoy very much this particular celebration. The name Castanyada comes from this autumn fruit named castanya (chestnut). These small fruits are usually toasted in barrels prepared for the occasion. We wrap the chestnuts in newspapers for keeping the warmth and we usually enjoy them with friends and family. 

We also make “panellets”, a small sweet. They are awesome. The “panellets” are dressed with pine nut, almond, coconuts, fruits, chocolate or quince… Sweet potatoes are very common in our Castanyada diet. Indeed, we can say that two traditions are mixed these days (Halloween and La Castanyada). However, now we have the Comenius and it could be a mess, but nothing is further from the truth, you can check it out in these pics!!! Enjoy them! 
First steps for panellets

Panellets second stage

Our students preparing panellets

Our kids preparing Panellets

Halloween- Catanyada- Comenius wall with Peace wishes

lunes, 9 de septiembre de 2013

Benvinguts/des, Welcome to our school

We are a school located in a seaside town. The environment around us is excellent, because it has a good Mediterranean forest and the quietness necessary for a good development of our students. We have about 424 students, the socioeconomic level is medium-low and our student groups are very heterogeneous (different backgrounds). For students with special educational needs, we have a team of two specialist teachers. They are responsible for dealing with diversity. Our Mediterranean culture makes us open-minded and hospitable. We love to share, grow and learn with others. Our horizon is our future and our future are the children. We, as part of its proper growth, have a duty to help them make their development more bearable, easier. Only by avoiding violence and all that it entails, we achieve our aim that one day they will put the wind in our sails. In this way, they will build the best human based civilization.